Sunday, March 31, 2013

29. States I have been to:

Born and Raised. I have been all over the state and seen deserts and blizzard, mountains and valleys. 

San Francisco, CA
A peek at the Golden Gate Bridge
Quincy, CA
Fresh snow in the morning

Oregon - 
I have driven all the way through Oregon, (from bottom to top and vice versa) on Hwy 5.  I have stopped and stayed in Ashland. But I have not explored much of this state.
Oregon/California State Line
Winston, OR
Wildlife Safari


Washington might be my favorite state that I have been to.  I know I was there when I was young but don't really remember.  But I have been three times in the last couple of years and can't wait to go back.  If I were to move out of California I would probably choose Washington but I don't really plan on moving out of California.
Seattle, WA
Space Needle behind Autumn leaves

Olympia, WA

Hawaii - 
I went to Hawaii on my senior trip.  We were in a very busy area of Oahu. I had pictured a lush, green, and tropical place, but we were staying on the city side.  We did take a bus tour that took us to the other side which was what I had pictured.  
The city busy side wasn't that impressive.  

Oahu, HI
Pretty water on the pretty side
Oahu, HI
The green lushness I imagined

The state line of Nevada wasn't too far growing up so we found ourselves in Nevada every so often.  I have driven through Nevada (left to right and vice versa) several times traveling to Utah to see family.  That is one long brown road trip. 

Somewhere in Nevada
Stormy drive through Nevada

Visits to see family.  I even got to go skiing in Park City many years ago.  Most visits kept us in Salt Lake City until my cousin moved a little more East to Kamas.  Salt Lake City is surrounded by beautiful mountains and Kamas is in the mountains.   
Approaching the mountains of Utah
Where some of the winter Olympic
games took place.

Another really beautiful state.  I have only really been in the Northern part of the state.  Lots of green foliage, lots of blue water and skies.  Lots of snow and lots of beautiful days. 

Horse and a big blue sky
Lake MacGregor, MT

If you count the airport.  I have had lay overs in the Denver Airport twice (round trip so that makes 4 times). 
I think this is Colorado.
From the plane window.

New York- 
I have seen the busy-ness of New York City and the calm of the country.  I had blisters from walking across the Brooklyn Bridge in the rain. Another state I want to go to again.
Busy City
Walking the Brooklyn Bridge
New York
Skyline from the Brooklyn Bridge

Another one that might not count.  We accidentally drove into Connecticut while in New York.  The guy in the front with the map, doesn't know how to read a map.  We made the most of it by going to a pier and an aquarium but on the way back out were rear ended, by a guy on his cell phone.
The pier in Connecticut
The closest I got to touching water
that may or may not flow into the
Atlantic Ocean

New Jersey- 
A day trip while in New York.  
Just a train ride away. 
No Photos

Saturday, March 30, 2013

28. Describe my ‘perfect day’

My perfect day would be a day off for both me and Kyle.  We probably wouldn't spend the whole day together.  If it is my perfect day it should be his too.  He would probably prefer to go fishing over some of the things I would want to do. But I am sure we would spend parts of the day together.  
My perfect day would be waking up to the sound of rain instead of an alarm clock (or an annoying cat.)  

I hate to sleep the day away, so I don’t want to sleep in really late.  I just want to sleep in an hour later than I normally do on a work day.  I would bake something yummy for breakfast, like chocolate chip scones. 
I just might skip the morning workout.  Once I was ready for the day (shower, hair, makeup and dressed) I would have a crafting hour.  This would of course take place in an amazing crafting room like these I found on Pinterest.
 Then I would make myself a chai latte and cozy up by the window, (it would still be raining), and read a few chapters of whatever book I was reading.  After making my favorite day off savory treat, I would decide it was time to get out of the house for awhile.  I love driving in the rain during the day and since on my perfect day it would still be raining, I would go for a drive. This would be a great thing for Kyle and I to do together because he loves going for a drive. Then I would realize it is just about time to go for a massage appointment. Like I would forget and not be counting down the minutes.
Pinterest- Yes the massage table is surrounded by water.
Apparently I would be transported to this tropical place to enjoy my massage.
On my perfect day I would have no need to do errands or even go to the grocery store.  And the house would already be so perfectly clean, there would be no house work.  Since I love to cook a great dinner on days I have time, I would look forward to doing that.  Actually, now that I think about it, I would have a private chef come and make my dinner for me on my perfect day.  I wouldn't want a fancy dinner, probably just my favorite dish, pasta primavera.
I would also give the chef a handful of dessert recipes to choose from and surprise me with dessert.  You see right now I wouldn't be able to choose which one. 
Dessert would be served during a movie.  The house would be nice and warm while it was still raining out.
I just realized that if it was raining all day because it was my perfect day that would not make for good weather for Kyle to go fishing.  I guess he would have to travel a little distance to get past the ran. 

Some might think my perfect day would be kind of boring and too calm.  But for me that is just perfect!

Friday, March 29, 2013

27. What is under my bed

I don’t like a messy space under the bed.  As smart as it is to use this space for storage, it just isn’t for me.  Under my bed is half a rug. (The other half sticks out of the foot of the bed.) 
A few dust bunnies and maybe a cat.  The only thing I store under my bed is wrapping paper and gift bags in a storage container.  Oh and a few pieces of clothes that Kyle has kicked under the bed.
Pretty simple.  Just don’t ask me what is on the top shelf of my closet.  Haha.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

26. One thing I am excited for

I am super excited that by the end of April one of our cars will be paid off.  That’s right, our Mazda has one more payment and then it is OURS.  A few months ago I was excited for this day because it would mean we had both our cars paid off, but then mine died. So for the last few months we have had two car payments which has been very tough and I am looking forward to that being over.  We bought the Mazda new.  It was cool to buy a new car but we learned that we would probably never do it again.  Just not worth the extra money.  But it is nice to have a car that will be paid off and be only 5 years old and have lots of life left in it.  Sometimes I can’t believe it is already 5 years old.  We have taken it to Utah, Washington, and down some of the steepest streets of San Francisco.
Kyle likes to take pictures of the car in front of different things and places.  I think he got this from his grandparents.  They have photo albums with lots of pictures like this:
I started gathering pictures of our car in different places and was surprised to find so many.  I put a few collages together.  I didn't use all our photos but I thought the ones I used gives a pretty good summary.  

Let me assure the world, we will take a picture of it the day it is paid off.  The first paycheck after it is paid off will probably treat us to a bit of a celebration.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

25. Talents I Admire (In Other People)

Don't be surprised if some of the things I admire in other people are things people would consider as qualities.  I think they go hand in hand. 
1.  Anything creative: art, music, writing
I often find myself looking at something artistic and saying "I wish I could do that."
2.  Patience
I feel that I have a good deal of patience but I see others who have more and I am like "wow."
3. Calmness
I am usually not calm.  Some people just always seem calm, however some are calm and drive me crazy because they are just so calm anything goes. That is the wrong kind of calm.
4. Doing math quickly in their head.
Give me a piece of paper and a pencil and I can do some hard problems, but sometimes you just need to add and subtract quickly.
5.  Speaking more than one language
I recently met a girl who can speak Spanish, English, French, and is learning two other languages.  Super jealous. 
6. Dancing
I watch Dancing With the Stars sometimes and think, "HOW do they get their body to work like that."  I have never tried.  I wish they taught you how to dance in high school.  I have heard awesome stories about my grandparents dancing.  
7. Creative Cooking
One time my sister just looked in her cupboard and threw an amazing dinner together.  I have to plan my dinners big time and usually eat the same things.  I love trying new things but I have to rely on recipes rather than creating my own stuff.
8. To be thought upon.....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

24. A Song That Inspires Emotion

My choice for a song that inspires emotion might be because the first time I heard it was in a very touching commercial. I just love the song. I can listen to it on repeat again and again. I have heard it so many times now that I don't always get choked up but at first it always brought tears to my eyes. And the commercial gets me every time.
The song is called "Broken Chair" by Chris and and Thomas
Grab and tissue and watch the commercial.

Monday, March 25, 2013

23. Something I Want To Learn How To Do

This month we have figured out that I have a really hard time picking just one thing, like a favorite.  It has been pretty much impossible.  I feel the same way about picking one of the things I want to learn how to do.  But I am GOING TO DO IT!
I thought about cheating and talking about all the musical instruments that I want to learn how to play but I am going to just pick one for the sake of the title someTHING not someTHINGS.

I want to learn how to play the guitar.  Kyle was going to show me once.  I even cut my fingernails really short so they wouldn't be in the way.  But I didn't want to LEARN how to play I wanted to KNOW how to play so I didn't practice.  Kyle said I had to practice or he wouldn't show me.  I haven't picked up the guitar since.
Me and a guitar about 12 years ago.
Someone was letting me play with their
guitar.  I liked this photo because
it looks like I know how to play.
I want to know how to play the guitar because it is a great sound. It sounds great by itself or with other instruments.  It isn't big like the piano so you can take it almost anywhere.  
I love when Kyle pulls out his guitar.  A lot of times he plays when he goes to bed.  I have fallen asleep to the sound of his playing many nights.  Sometimes he even brings it camping.  Listening to his strumming while sitting by the campfire is delightful.  Who knows, maybe one day I will actually practice and get to learn.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

22. Something I Enjoyed About School

I have been sitting here in front of a blank screen thinking about this for a few minutes.  Not because I can't think of anything but because I can think of several things that bring me good memories about school.  To be honest, I am surprised to be thinking of so many things I enjoyed because my first thought of school was "ugh!"  Each thing is so small and doesn't seem very significant by itself, but all these things together are what makes me, me. So let me reminisce about theses enjoyable things.
Elementary School:
Good work tickets, being the line leader of the day, working in the cafeteria (as a reward), school plays, chorus, field day on the last week of school, 6th grade trip to a water park, getting to buy a graduation dress and library day.
Jr. High and High School:
The times I spent with my friends and the traditions we had.  Traditions like where we sat every day for lunch, a different place each year.  Getting to leave campus for lunch, band and annual band trips, journalism and learning the publication software we used that I thought was awesome.
The fact you get to choose to go, my first apartment, a fun creative writing class, playing in the photography dark room.
I am sure there are many more things that I enjoyed about school.  Obviously while in school, I didn't think much of these things that are now good memories.  I am glad to be out of school because there was of course the flip side to things I did not enjoy. But that, we won't go in to.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

21. Something I Wrote A Long Time Ago

I recently came across a floppy disc.  Yeah, that's right.  Something that I used to once think was pretty cool to save files on and take them with you.  And now in the world of removable memory something that holds just over 3mb is laughed at.
I thought I would check and see what might be on this discs and so I thought I would pop them in the computer.  Oh wait, my computer doesn't even take floppy discs.  So I took them to work with me because I knew we had one computer that still read them.
On one I found a folder called creative.  It was a half dozen stories I had written for a creative writing class I took at the college while I was a senior in high school.  So that means this story is about 13 years old.  I read through it and it cracked me up.  This is mostly because it takes place in the future - in the year 2025.  And some of the technology stuff is already outdated.
So here you go.  One of my favorite stories I have ever written.
(Because laziness knocks on your door every so often.)
Written in the year 2000
            “Now students, when you finish typing this assignment, e-mail it to me.  For those of you who have forgotten my e-mail address AGAIN it is:”  Mrs. Webb sounded irritated.  Actually, Mrs. Webb didn’t sound like herself unless she sounded irritated. 
            My name is Taylor.  I go to the HUGE Sixth Street School in New York City. The big brick building on the corner.  You couldn’t miss it.  Our teacher, Mrs. Webb, reminds me of my grandmother. She isn’t as old though.  But she always looks down her nose at us if she sees us playing games or talking. Yesterday, Mrs. Webb told us about high school in the year 2000. We couldn’t believe how different it was from our school.  Twenty-five years really makes a difference. 
            One thing that is so shocking for my friends and me is how the students bought paper and had to write their work out on it.  We each have a lap top computer to take home for our homework (like we ever have any), and a ZYX computer to do our work on at school.  When we finish our work, we just send it on over to our teacher’s computer. 
            “Students, you were so interested in the schools in the past, I found a really neat website with pictures and all sorts of interesting stuff. I have transferred it over to your computers. It should be on file now.”
            “High school students went to seven different classes a day; one for each subject,” I read to myself. 
“Hey Ben?” I called out.  “Good thing the teachers come to us now, you get lost finding our classroom when you come back from lunch.”
“Aahh, shut up, Taylor!” Ben knew it was true.  The robo-dog had to bring him back at least twice a week. 
One school mentioned in all the information our teacher found, was Chester High School.  This school was a little school in a little town where everyone knew each other.  That must have been annoying.  The funniest part was that the students in this high school would try to sneak food and drinks in the classrooms.  They weren’t supposed to have them and when they got caught, they would not get to leave for lunch. I don’t understand why they were so strict.  At my school, each student has their own area with a desk for our computers, a lamp, a clock, an electric pencil sharpener and stapler, and a phone.  Uhmm, let’s see what else. Oh, all the usual supplies like: pens and pencils, tape scissors, markers, white out, and a CD player.  Some of this stuff we don’t even use, like the pens and pencils.  The computers cancel out those things, but the janitorial staff keeps replacing the ones we throw away.  And as for food, on the side of our desk there is a refrigerator and freezer and a microwave.  We can eat or drink whenever we want.  At the back of the room there is a bigger computer where we can order things like pizza, fries, milkshakes, and pretty much whatever we want.  Then what we order is brought to us in about ten minutes. 
 “Taylor,” whispered Madison.  “Can you believe they only had a half-hour for lunch?  Hey, that reminds me, that new movie we wanted to see is out. Do you want to go at lunch?”
“Sure,” I said. Madison has been my friend longer than I can remember.  Our mothers have been friends since they were in high school. 
We both finished our work early.  We went into the game room and played some video games and watched TV as we watched the minutes on the clock tick by.  Finally, it was eleven o’clock and the dismissal announcement went off over the loudspeaker.  We practically ran down the escalators. We stepped on the sidewalk going in the direction of the mall, which reminds of another funny thing of the past.  Our sidewalks move.  They are like flat escalators and take you where you want to go.  Those in the past actually had to walk to their destinations.  Anyway, we went to the mall and ate some lunch and then we went to the movie.  The movie ended around 2:00 and we had another half an hour before our lunch break was over, so we did some quick shopping.  When we got to class, we put our bags in our storage areas and noticed there was a new assignment on the board. 
We were supposed to look up some information from the past on the Internet.  Mrs. Webb wanted us to do a report comparing the past to the present day.  Everyone was complaining.  This was the second report we had to do this year.  Mrs. Webb is always overloading us with too much work.  I don’t ever know how I will get it all done.  What does she expect?  Again we were shocked when we found out that they used to have machines called an automobile.  We used to have something like what was described.  Except, the information said that instead of flying through the air, the automobile drove on a hard pavement thing called a street.  These automobiles were also very hard to look after.  They required constant check-ups and fluids to make the car run.  Not only were these cars five times as expensive but the fluids they put in their car were expensive too.  We call our type of transportation a saucer and we don’t have to feed the saucer with any special chemicals.  Once a month you add water to the steam pipe and you are set for the next month. 
Madison and I were working on this assignment together.  We found out that because the automobiles had to stay on the street, it caused the streets to be very crowded.  There was even a time they called “rush hour.”  We don’t have that problem since we can go anywhere in the sky.  Like we would have the time anyway. 
We never knew so much about the past. Our parents never talk about it.  They must be trying to block it out of their memory. I would, if I were them.  It’s 3:30 and time to leave school.  Tomorrow is Friday, so I don’t have to be there until 9:30.  Maybe I will finally catch up on my rest.  School has been so exhausting lately.  I think they should extend our lunch break so we have time to take a nap if we want.  
The End 

I wanted to change and fix a few things in that story but I thought that would ruin the "written a long time ago" factor. Maybe it is time to write another story that takes place in the future and see where technology takes us.  I hope I remember to pull this story out in the year 2025 to really compare.

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