Friday, March 25, 2011

Why "These I Like Best"?

Maybe you are wondering why I chose to name my blog, "These I Like Best."  The explanation is quite simple.  Since I have decided to start writing again, via blog, I decided I only want to write about things I like, things that make me happy. I don't want to write about frustrating things or bad experiences. 
And so I vow... and I hope I don't forget... to only write about things I am passionate about and experiences that make me smile. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Welcome to my blog...

Why have I started this blog?  High school.... English was my favorite subject.  Of course I didn't enjoy all of my writing assignments but for the most part I did.  And I didn't really care for remembering all the rules of grammar, and let me just tell you right now, I didn't remember them.  That wasn't the fun part.  I liked starting with a blank piece of paper, or sometimes blank computer screen, (that's right - it wasn't until late in high school that assignments were required to be typed.) What did I tell you about grammar - right now I am wondering if all my parenthesis and commas are in the right spot.  Anyway, the blank piece of paper or blank screen  - It was time to create.  Stories, points of view, letters... etc.  It was in high school that I decided I wanted to be an author.  So I decided to major in English.  Well when you go to a small college and not enough people sign up for the class, it gets cancelled.  That is what happened to me.  Every semester, 1 or 2 of my classes would be cancelled and I would be scrambling to fill in my credits.  And so.... I slowly got away from English and writing.  My days were filled with other assignments, work, and so on.  My life now revolves around photography, which I was able to learn about in college.  And I do love it.  But lately, I have been inspired to write again.  And so I have started this blog.  Of course I value any one who reads it but I am also doing this for myself.  Just a way to express myself - even if it is to myself.  This will be fun.  I am looking forward to this...
Thanks for visiting.
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