Sunday, March 17, 2013

15. Something I don't regret

Have you ever had buyer's remorse.  I certainly have.  And over very cheap items.  However, I never felt that way about my first car.  I recently had to say good bye to my first car and it was quite sad. The last year I had it, it was failing me and stressing me out, but I never did regret it.
My first car was the first big purchase I had ever made.  It treated me well for 10 years, didn't cost me an arm and a leg, and was just part of my life.
I have some of the best memories in that car including packing up to move to my current town, picnics in the rain, dates with my husband, my first time driving in San Francisco, camping, learning to back up with a boat trailer, and many more.
I never had to put a lot of money in to the car. A little thing here, a tune up there.  It never really left me stranded until the end.  By the time it wouldn't start and needed more repairs costing much more than it was worth, I felt like doing this:

But... I really loved that car.  I miss it.  We sold it to someone who was going to use it for parts.  They bought it without looking at it in person.  Once they got it, they were so thrilled with the condition that they decided to use parts of their other car to fix up this one.  It is now running around a nearby coastal town.  They have fixed a lot of the little issues it had like interior lights and dash lights that didn't work.  It is bittersweet to know it is running for someone else. 

I now have a new car.  I don't regret buying it either but I am not attached to it yet. 

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