Thursday, March 21, 2013

14. Favorite childhood book:

Somewhere along the line I skipped 14. So here it is:
Favorite Childhood Book:
Uh-oh. Another favorite.  Of course it depends on the different stages of my childhood.  Books were important to our family.  My parent read to us.  We had our favorite stories. 
I fondly remember many but one has a specialness that wins the title favorite childhood book.
The answer is A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith. I have noted this book in an earlier post.

This book has special significance for me because my mom introduced it to me. The first time I read it I think she had either just read it or we were reading it at the same time.  She kept asking me where I was.  It was fun to share it with her.   

1 comment:

  1. Oh my smokes! That was one of my earliest favorites too!


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